Whether they are precocious or high-potential, children do not experience their schooling in the same way: some can get through it without encountering any difficulties, while others will experience a more chaotic course, or even repeated failure. When it comes to handwriting, half of them suffer from dysgraphia… Explanations and solutions.
What is a precocious child’s relationship with writing?
An intellectually precocious (IP ) or high-potential child is defined by an intellectual development superior to that of children of the same age. Rejected and misunderstood by his peers, he prefers to surround himself with older people and engage in difficult activities to stimulate himself.
In most cases, EIPs suffer from difficulties or even delays in writing: 50% of them suffer from dysgraphia, a learning disability affecting handwriting and its layout. Beyond the technical considerations (pain, slowness or illegibility of writing), there is also a psychological dimension to integrate: as the brain of an EIP is systematically active, it understands everything and very quickly, feeling a real frustration when it notices that its hand does not follow the same rhythm.
Why consult a graphic therapist?
An essential part of any child’s schooling, writing is a fundamental part of learning, enabling them to organize their ideas and memorize them, while improving their fine motor skills, concentration and assimilation of information.
At early signs of dysgraphia (muscular fatigue in fingers, hand, wrist, mirror writing, difficulty in reproducing letterforms, writing too fast and without control of gesture, refusal to write, etc.), we strongly advise you to consult a graphic therapist, to make an accurate and coherent diagnosis. This graphomotor assessment is based on discussions with the child and parents (theanamnesis) and the performance of a number of tests. The results will guide the professional in the most appropriate rehabilitation to be carried out.
Can precocious children suffer from disorders other than dysgraphia?
While precociousness can be the cause of dysgraphia (such as dyspraxia), it can also give rise toother learning disorders. Indeed, a precocious dysgraphic child may also be unwittingly hiding dysorthographia or dyslexia, since he or she will already be struggling to produce a correct transcription.
A source of suffering for the child, these learning disabilities need to be diagnosed as early as possible, so that we can respond to the situation in an appropriate and personalized way, without over-dramatizing this type of pathology. A precocious child may simply have acquired bad habits in the development of his graphic gestures: re-education can then quickly deal with the problem. Failing that, she’ll have to provide compensatory strategies to ease his daily routine and help him pursue his studies, thus avoiding further delays.
Don’t hesitate to make an appointment with a graphic therapist for the Ora-Visio platform : specialized in DYS disordersHe or she will be able to advise you on how to make your child’s precociousness a real asset, rather than a source of trouble at school, especially from other students.