Stages de réussite pour les enfants en difficultés durant les vacances scolaires.
Group lessons for children in difficulty all year round (except during school vacations).
Online tutoring: a 2.0 solution for students in difficulty
From temporary difficulties to academic failure, children’s learning sometimes comes up against a few obstacles. To make up for this, tutoring is often the ideal solution. However, choosing the right teacher for private lessons has to be done on a case-by-case basis.
DYS disorders
or expatriate children, the needs are specific. The solution? online tutoring!
Which students need tutoring?
It’s in the first few years of life that a child’s capacity for assimilation is at its best. Giving them every opportunity to develop their potential is therefore essential. Yet at school, many students find it hard to concentrate, participate or suffer from hyperactivity. If some are diagnosed
or DYS, others are not systematically detected. These various disorders called
, dyscalculia and ADHD can go unnoticed by teachers and parents alike. Fundamental skills such as arithmetic, reading and writing are therefore likely to be poorly acquired. These children, diagnosed or not, need extra help.
Beyond learning, it’s also self-confidence that’s at stake for these children with great hidden abilities.
The same applies to the children of expatriate families living in France. As soon as they arrive in France, allophone children are assessed by specialist teachers to establish their skills in various areas of schooling (French, arithmetic, writing, mother tongue, etc.) and then enrolled in a mainstream class according to their age. A child who does not yet speak French well will need special attention and extra help. This will enable them to maintain their self-confidence, participate in class and continue their schooling in France under the best possible conditions.
Things are more complicated for French parents living abroad. Finding a teacher with a perfect command of French in a foreign country can be an obstacle course. When this situation is compounded by a DYS disorder, French expatriates are often at a loss when it comes to providing tailor-made tutoring for their child.
Understanding different learning disabilities:
What kind of tutoring should you choose?
Private lessons at home:
While there are many private tutors offering their services, not all are trained in the specific needs of children with autism, DYS or ADHD. Whatever the nature of the need, pedagogy is essential for the learning of young pupils. A skill taught by a pedagogical teacher will be understood and profitable in the long term. Whereas with an untrained student or an uneducated teacher, the pupil will remain partly hermetic to the teaching. You can’t improvise the teaching profession.
Mastering knowledge doesn’t mean knowing how to pass it on.
When the child has DYS or ADHD, the task becomes even more complicated. A good home tutoring teacher is not systematically aware of or trained in autism, dyslexia, dyspraxia or ADHD. This is an even greater obstacle for expatriate parents.
Correspondence courses
A practical solution for helping students in difficulty, correspondence courses involve off-line exchanges. The child receives lessons and homework to be completed and returned to a teacher by post or e-mail. While this formula remains relevant, particularly for expatriate students, it does have a few drawbacks. Some children need to ask questions, go deeper, get explanations to complete their homework. For children with Dyslexia, the presence of a relative is mandatory during the exercises. Finally, the courses and exercises are not specifically adapted to DYS disorders.
Group courses
Gathered in classrooms of around 10 students, group classes are more suitable for children who are experiencing occasional academic difficulties in a particular subject. Divided between several students, the teacher provides a course that is not built around the particular needs of autistic, DYS or AD/HD disorders. The child risks finding himself in the same situation as at school, making slower progress and even lacking self-confidence. Group tutoring is also harder to find for French expatriate parents.
Online tutoring
Accessible worldwide, online courses offer a real chance for students with learning difficulties. Because they are offered by qualified teachers trained in the various DYS disorders. Because they bring together specialist language teachers. Because they offer innovative methods adapted to students who are failing at school. For all these reasons, online tutoring gives the keys to success to all children, with or without a diagnosed problem.
The ORA platform supports parents in France and abroad as they invest in their children’s schooling.
Online tutoring rates are lower than the majority of existing private lessons. Why? There’s no need to worry about travel logistics! What’s more, appointments can take place at any time of day, regardless of the country, with great flexibility. It’s also worth noting that by using IT tools, learning is interactive. A real asset for children with autism, DYS and ADHD.
With its online platform, ORA simplifies the lives of parents by making tutoring more accessible worldwide.
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Remote tutoring with ORA
If you’re an expatriate, your child has difficulties at school, you want to maintain the French language in your host country, or you can’t find French-speaking teachers in your host country, ORA can help.
All ORA teachers are qualified: most have a diploma from the French Ministry of Education, and some are trained in DYS disorders.
The rates charged on the ORA platform are the same for all teachers, i.e. :