Even if the tutoring and academic coaching have the same goal – These two terms should not, however, be seen as synonymous: while support focuses on problems of understanding lessons, coaching deals with problems that are peripheral to the subject (confidence, time management, etc.).
Tutoring: overcoming difficulties in one or more subjects
The main objective of tutoring is to improve the student’s learning skills. This takes the form of one-to-one tuition in the subjects that are causing him or her difficulties, whether French, history, math, physics-chemistry…
During these sessions, the tutor may review the course with the student, re-explain certain concepts, suggest exercises, help the student revise, or provide a refresher course in a particular subject. Delivered at the school, at a community center or at the student’s home, these courses help to improve grades.
School coaching: developing a taste for learning
School coaching, on the other hand, does not deal with the content of courses taught at school. While its aim is also to improve the student’s ability to learn, it is more concerned with methods and the individual.
During these work sessions, the coach considers the the student’s personalityto help them get to know themselves better, bring out their resources and strengths, overcome their difficulties and blockages, and touch on what makes sense to them… A more psychological approach aimed at developing a taste for learning and encouraging them to find solutions to their problems.
The impact of school coaching for DYS children
Resolutely complementary, tutoring and academic coaching enable students to do better at school – especially those with DYS disorders, long-lasting learning difficulties. In addition to the inevitable school support, coaching provides an equally essential response: while specialized professionals(speech therapists, occupational therapists, graphotherapists, etc.) help to re-educate the child so that he/she can develop compensatory strategies, the coach focuses (among other things) on leading him/her along a more serene path.
In the midst of self-doubt about their abilities, DYS children have complicated relationships with others, preventing them from flourishing at school. He then enters a vicious circle, gradually reducing his self-confidence and motivation, making his workload even more chaotic and jeopardizing his schooling. With school coaching adapted to DYS disorders, the child can find the keys to self-fulfilment at school, reversing the effects of this circle and emerging stronger.
How about discussing this with one of Ora-Visio’s
parental guidance
? They are fully aware of the problems associated with the various DYS disorders and can provide an informed, personalized response. Available remotely, they will fit easily into your diaries.