Dyspraxia: why offer personalized tutoring?

Dyspraxia: why offer personalized tutoring?

A specific learning disorder affecting motor skills, dyspraxia affects 5 to 7% of children in a given class. Often slow, clumsy and criticized, they lose self-confidence, leading them into a spiral of poor results, failure and discouragement. And yet, with the right tutoring, such as that provided by the professionals at Ora Visio, there’s nothing to stop them thriving and succeeding at school!

The many difficulties of dyspraxics

A Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD ), dyspraxia manifests itself in daily activities at home and at school, as well as in social and sporting life. Appearing during a child’s development for no known reason, it leads to difficulties in eating, dressing and bathing, well beyond normal age.

At school, children have difficulty organizing their work and using materials (scissors, ruler, eraser, etc.). Generally dysgraphic, he suffers from a significant and long-lasting graphic delay, producing poor drawings and difficult cursive handwriting.

Clumsy and slow on the whole, his creations are mediocre, muddled and even shapeless. Traditionally, dyspraxics perform poorly in mathematics, preferring French (with the exception of handwriting activities).

The impact of tutoring for dyspraxics

Often discouraged by unrewarded effort, dyspraxics are caught up in a spiral of negative emotions, far from reflecting their true abilities . In fact, the child often has extensive knowledge and a very good memory, masked by mediocre results, essentially due to slowness, carelessness and lack of organization.

Most dyspraxic children are unable to automate their writing: controlling the drawing of each letter demands almost all their attention, preventing them from concentrating on spelling or the meaning of the text.

With appropriate tutoring, minimizing the need for tiring handwriting, they can cultivate a taste for learning and working, gradually overcoming their difficulties and building the self-confidence they need to flourish and succeed at school.

Dyspraxia and tutoring

In addition to the arrangements available at school (Projet Personnalisé de Réussite Educative – PPRE, Plan d’Accompagnement Personnalisé – PAP, Projet Personnalisé de Scolarité – PPS), this framework can be reinforced at home by the provision of tutoring in a pedagogical approach adapted to dyspraxics.

School support, which must be personalized, can already include adopt a few tips and reflexes These include: encouraging oral learning, proposing index cards with airy content, bold fonts and contrasts, using color to improve location in a double-entry table, for example, emphasizing the child’s knowledge (reasoning, logic, language), limiting handwriting, which is particularly demanding for dyspraxics, etc.

On the Ora Visio platform, the tutoring professionals are all aware of the issues surrounding DYS disorders, including dyspraxia. Delivered remotely, their courses are tailored to the needs of each child, to help them progress along the path to academic success and personal fulfillment.

2023-11-06T06:40:48+00:006 November 2023|Tutoring|