Highly recommended for the rehabilitation of learning disorders (DYS), the speech therapist is a professional who can occur at any age For babies, in the event of delayed oral language development; for schoolchildren, from the very first difficulties; for middle and high school students, to consolidate previously developed compensatory strategies. Insofar as face-to-face or tele-orthophony consultations have the same
same effects
you are free to prefer remote management, which will always be easier to fit into your schedule…
Delayed oral language development in babies
The language norms that define a baby’s achievements at ages 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 serve as benchmarks for detecting possible language delays. While every child responds to his or her own pace of oral language development, it is advisable to consult a speech therapist if certain characteristics are too slow. For example, if a one-year-old baby doesn’t make many sounds, or a two-year-old doesn’t imitate animal or car noises…
Depending on the situation and needs, tele-orthophony can be transformed into
parental guidance
if the child cannot sit still and concentrate for long. If he succeeds, the professional can perform fun exercises with him and share them with you, so that you can repeat them at home.
Managing learning disabilities between the ages of 6 and 11
Traditionally, tele-orthophony sessions for school-age children are used to compensate for difficulties linked to the onset of learning disorders: dyslexia, dysorthographia, dysphasia, dyscalculia or Attention Deficit Disorder, with or without Hyperactivity.
A speech and language therapy assessment then sets out the objectives of the sessions and their frequency. For example, for a dyscalculic child, this may involve the development of logical structures such as classification and seriation. Between the ages of 6 and 11, tele-telephony often requires the presence of an adult, especially at the beginning, to familiarize the child with the computer.
Note that, depending on your needs and situation, you can also call on other DYS professionals: on the Ora-Visio platform, you can contact occupational therapists, psychologists, graphotherapists and more.
Tele-orthophony for Dyslexic middle and high school students
Traditionally, tele-orthophony for middle and high school students continues the work begun in elementary school. Failing that, it intervenes to diagnose the adolescent’s DYS disorder(s) and help him/her develop strategies to compensate for his/her difficulties. Here too, a speech therapy assessment is essential, to set objectives and define the right pace, even if sessions are generally weekly.
It’s worth noting that teenagers are generally very comfortable with computers, and can follow speech therapy sessions on their own.
Of course, an online speech therapist can also be called in during adulthood, even though the person concerned has generally learned to compensate for his or her learning difficulties, either on his or her own or with support.