Hypnosis in children: where do parents fit in?

Hypnosis in children: where do parents fit in?

Hypnotherapy can help children with DYS disorders – whether in managing emotions, memorization, school phobia or self-esteem. Beyond the reluctance inherent in discipline, parents have a role to play in fostering the therapeutic bond, but this presupposes establishing a very precise framework with them before the first session. Explanations.

Demystifying hypnosis

Whatever the nature of the disorder (dyslexia, dyscalculia, dyspraxia…), hypnosis can treat the consequences for the child – namely, lack of self-esteem and self-confidence. It can also influence the agitation, stress and in attention induced by ADHD (Attention Deficit Disorder with or without Hyperactivity).

Contrary to popular belief, hypnosis cannot be used to control patients and make them do things they don’t want to do. This discipline helps you better understand your sensations and emotions.

Insofar as the most inventive people with the best powers of concentration are the most successful at entering a state of hypnosis, children, with their great imagination, are easily guided towards solutions for well-being. But the effectiveness of the session depends on the participant’s willingness to take part.

Parents, allies in the treatment of DYS children

When a DYS child is brought in for a consultation by his or her parents, the hypnotherapist takes the time to ask them about their perception of the discipline: do they have any fears or concerns? The aim is to explain hypnosis and allay their fears that their child might be manipulated.

Once preconceived ideas about hypnosis for children have been dispelled, we need to clarify the role of parents in the therapeutic approach. From them, the professional gathers valuable information: their environment, their favorite activities, their interests, their behavior… all essential data for getting to know the patient better and fostering trust between the two of them.

Before the first session, the hypnotherapist asks the child about his or her expectations, which may not be the same as those of the parents. Indeed, sometimes a DYS child expresses a difficulty that is not the one his parents would highlight, and vice versa.

Parent participation in sessions

If the child agrees, the parents can take part in the first hypnosis session. However, as their presence increases the likelihood of performance anxiety, which could jeopardize the success of the session, it’s best not to go down this route. In fact, over the age of 5, the hypnotic experience is generally performed without the parents being present.

Don’t hesitate to contact hypnotherapists on the Ora-Visio platform: specialized in DYS disorders, they’ll be able to listen to your misgivings, so as to overcome them and support your child effectively.

2023-11-06T08:01:53+00:006 November 2023|Hypnotherapy|