Whatever the nature of the DYS disorder (dyslexia, dyscalculia, dyspraxia, dysorthographia…), your child suffers from organizational difficulties and can quickly experience homework as a nightmare. Fortunately, here are a few parent coaching tips to help you adopt the right methodology and agree on an organization, together. Creating habits and automatisms enables children to perform these tasks with less energy…
Tip 1: Make a color-coded timetable
Assign a color to each school subject and use it on dedicated materials (binders, notebooks, plastic sleeves, etc.). Ideally, invest in a cabinet with drawers, to respect this color code in the storage of materials and lessons. Failing that, consider colorful banners…
For dyslexics and dysorthographics, don’t hesitate to create a timetable with colored pictograms, to identify the subject more quickly. For dyspraxics, don’t hesitate to stick a strip of Velcro to the desk, to secure the pencil case and prevent it from falling.
Bonus tip: You can also color his paper timetable, so he can quickly identify the classes he’ll have the next day.
Tip 2: Prepare task lists
To help your child pack his or her school bag, prepare a checklist of the materials he or she will need for each subject (with a picture, if necessary). For example, for math, take the red notebook, the red book, the square, the compass, the calculator and so on.
In the same spirit, you can prepare a list of tasks to be carried out for a type of exercise. For example, when studying a French text, read the title, read the questions asked at the end of the text, read the text, mark unknown words, look for their meaning, imagine the story in your head, reread the questions asked, and so on.
Bonus tip: Laminated, these lists can be used over and over again!
Tip 3: Structure homework time
Allocate time to each task, to help your DYS child concentrate better. As with any other child, we recommend limiting work to 20 minutes, followed by a 5-minute break. And if you have to organize 4 sessions in a row, plan a bigger “break” afterwards…
Bonus tip : Like the Pomodoro method, the originator of this concentration time management technique, use a kitchen timer!
Did you know? Parental guidance provides practical solutions to improve your relationship with your DYS child: gain serenity and give him real help, by adopting the precepts of a healthier dynamic! If you’d like to try out this approach, visit the Ora Visio platform, to book an appointment with specialists in online parenting guidance for DYS children. It’s the best way to get a quick and accurate idea of their expertise.