Remote speech therapy2023-11-06T06:24:34+00:00


Remote speech therapy

This is remote speech therapy, using a computer or tablet, a webcam and videoconferencing software. You no longer need to visit the speech therapist, you can follow your rehabilitation from home. – Numerous studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of these sessions.

Is tele-orthophony as effective as in-office speech therapy?

Yes ! Although the practice has not yet been fully developed in France, since no implementing decree has yet been issued, telecare is recognized as being as effective as office-based practice in the USA and Canada. Several studies have scientifically proven this for both assessment and intervention. For certain pathologies, it is even more effective.

Who can benefit from teleorthophony?

  • People who are geographically distant from a “traditional” practice
  • Families on waiting lists who need rapid follow-up for their child
  • French-speaking expatriate families who can’t find a relay in their host country and need to continue speech therapy work started in France

How does a typical session work?

A session takes place in the same way as any other consultation, starting with a request for an appointment (via the ORA platform) with the speech therapist of your choice. After making contact with the therapist, he/she will invite you to connect to a secure link, from a computer or tablet.This first session includes:

  • an interview with the patient’s family (one of the two parents + the patient)
  • a qualitative and quantified assessment, which will then be used to draw up a plan of action including areas that have been preserved and those that need to be reworked.

What tools do I need for a teleconsultation?

  • Computer or tablet, equipped with camera and microphone
  • A stable Internet connection with sufficient bandwidth for video use
  • A printer, for editing documents sent by the speech therapist before or after sessions

What are the benefits of teleorthophony?

  • Combating medical deserts and under-resourced areas with poor access to specialist care such as speech therapy
  • Meeting ever-increasing demands and optimizing care organization
  • Productivity gains: time savings, minimal travel costs
  • Improved quality of care by reducing family travel time to sessions
  • Building patient confidence by organizing care at home
  • Rehabilitation that’s more fun because it’s interactive
  • Regular follow-ups

Are tele-orthophony sessions covered by the CPAM?

  • No, the CPAM does not reimburse this type of session.
  • Some mutual insurance companies may contribute to the cost of check-ups and/or rehabilitation: it’s best to find out in advance.
  • Most expatriate insurance companies reimburse the cost of tele-orthophony sessions, so it’s a good idea to ask before making an appointment.
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Remote speech therapy with ORA

If you’re an expatriate and you think your child has learning difficulties, and you can’t find a French-speaking contact in your host country, ORA can help you by putting you in touch with qualified professionals.

If you are waiting for an assessment for an MDPH or other file, ORA offers you rapid appointments with professionals who are available and ready to listen.

All the professionals on the ORA platform charge the same rates:
