Did you know? A child with Dyslexia can spend hours learning a lesson and still not be able to learn it a few days later. Despite their popularity, conventional memorization strategies are not conducive to long-term learning. Fortunately, after determining the child’s profile (auditory, visual or kinaesthetic), there are some that work quite well, like mind maps…
Popular but ineffective memorization strategies
Whatever their age, schoolchildren most of the time apply memorization strategies that give them the illusion of retaining their lesson. Although popular, they are ineffective in the long term.
For example, many people reread their lessons several times in an attempt to memorize them. Some will highlight or underline key information, while others will prefer to transcribe it, or even summarize it in cards or tables.
All these strategies seem effective, but soon after the assignment or exam, a large proportion of students have simply forgotten the content of the lessons they so conscientiously learned. For DYS children, this “leakage” will only happen more quickly, wiping out any efforts made to meet the deadline.
Reconstructing memory
If these memorization strategies don’t stand the test of time, it’s because memory doesn’t work like a reservoir that can simply be filled up. Since information is not stored in a specific place, it’s not enough to remember it, you have to reconstruct it. First and foremost, a child needs to UNDERSTAND his or her lesson: without this fundamental step, it’s absolutely illusory to try and retain information over the long term.
The next step is to build on the child’s profile: does he have a visual, auditory or kinaesthetic memory? An auditory profile will obtain better memorization results with sound supports (music or spoken word); a visual profile will rely on graphic supports, drawings or videos; a kinesthetic profile will play with touch, movement and emotions. For this more atypical profile, memorization can be stimulated by examples of real-life stories, anecdotes that will arouse emotions, as well as by rich and varied material (in shapes, colors, dimensions…), illustrations, photos and animated diagrams…
Mind maps for DYS children
Mind maps can be used tovisually illustrate the content of a course, making it easier to understand and articulate. At the center, simply write the subject of the course, then draw tentacles from it (chapters or important points), which can also house other tentacles (examples, development of ideas).
This method is a great strategy for getting around the difficulties encountered by DYS children. Designed by hand or with the help of software, mind maps adapt to the way each person’s brain works, adopting their own sometimes singular logic. In addition to improving their memory, they offer a global and detailed view of a subject, generate a certain degree of self-satisfaction and feed their creativity.
Don’t hesitate to ask for help from a school coach from the Ora Visio platform: specialized in the management of DYS children, this professional is familiar with their difficulties and can help them to appropriate this kind of tool, or even suggest others.